I random trip to get ice cream and walk around the Garden at the Henry Clay Estate turned into something else entirely.
Mom and I had our Crank and Boom sundaes and headed over to Ashland, only to find the garden gate locked... half hour before closing... but that's ok. We walked around for a little bit, Mom peeked over the brick wall and dared me to crawl under a bush to get into the garden, which I did not do, just to be clear.
After we gave up on breaking in to see the peonies, we found a little bench in the shade. I drove all the way over there, garden or no garden, I was going to hang out for a little bit.
While mom and I were talking we noticed a family taking some family photos of their children. I joked with my mom about walking over and offering to take the photos for them. I mean, how awkward would that be, right?! When Mom actually thought it was a good idea, and told me I should ask... ("All they can say is no")... I decided "what the heck, can't hurt to ask".
So, that's what I did. I approached these people who didn't know me from Adam, explained that I was a local photographer, had planned on taking pictures of peonies but was locked out, and that I'd love to take some photos of their children if they were interested.
Never in my life have I walked up to strangers and asked if I could do a session. I was so excited, still am excited.
The kids were great, happy, big smiles, said "cheese" about 1000 times... perfect. I couldn't wait to get home to get started on the edit. In the end, there were about 30 photos to send, pretty good for about 10 minutes of shooting, if that.
I've never done scheduled mini sessions, but now I can say that I have done a completely unplanned mini session, and I loved every second of it. If you're interested in your own mini session, send a note to hello@kelseyberry.com so we can get you scheduled. I can't wait to hear from you!